每日一字 |
2021/12/20(一) |
invade (v.) 入侵;侵略 |
每日一句 |
2021/12/21(二) |
Ants have invaded the kitchen after food was left on the floor. |
職場英文 |
2021/12/22(三) |
Can we bounce ideas off of each other? |
每日一字 |
2021/12/23(四) |
blooper (n.) (大庭廣眾下出的)差錯;洋相 |
每日一詞 |
2021/12/24(五) |
ins and outs 細節詳情;來龍去脈 |
每日一句 |
2021/12/25(六) |
Olivia had to learn the ins and outs of journalism when she started her new job. |
每日一字 |
2021/12/26(日) |
blunder (n.) (愚蠢或粗心造成的) 錯誤 |