

本課程教學目標為引導學生了解並應用電腦多媒體功能設計之學習任務,並藉此增加學生的英語口語表達與聽力字彙量、了解真實英語口語的速度與特色、熟悉社交生活之對話、加強發音、聽力與口語表達之準確、流暢及適當性(accuracy, fluency, and appropriateness)。 本課程將呈現運用電腦多媒體及文書處理軟體功能(Microsoft Word, Movie Maker, PowerPoint)、網路英語學習資源、數位化教材(CD互動光碟、影片) 、電腦輔助語言學習軟體 (LiveABC) 各種學習活動作業,以提升學生學習英語聽說的興趣與信心、增進學生運用電腦軟體程式與網路資源學習基礎英語聽講的技巧、協助學生習得實用之英語溝通能力與專題製作預備能力。




In order to help the students elevate their English competency and achieve English certification, the learning resources from De Lin Foreign Language Center will be introduced to promote their understanding of the test bank and multimedia learning programs. In the first semester, the students will get familiar with the test formats of TOEIC and Global English Test and practice with online simulated tests. In addition, the multimedia and animated learning materials with a wide range of topics will be integrated with the students’ learning interests and learning needs as sequenced learning tasks. The students are expected to be actively involved in-class activities and take responsibility for their learning achievements.